A ‘continuous’ 100km full Ultra Challenge is quite tough, but is absolutely achievable with good preparation, our support teams & rest stops stocked with plenty of food & drink and our ‘Trailmed’ medics.
OR – there’s a 2 Day 100 km ‘Daylight’ option with halfway camping as a great alternative and a fantastic way to ‘Push Yourself further’!
New in 2024/5 are ~75km 3/4 Challenge options on some events if you want to ‘step it up’!
There’s also a fantastic range of testing single day ~50km ‘Half’ challenges, scenic ~25km ‘Quarter’ challenges, a few ‘trail Marathons’ (42 km) – and a range of 10 km ‘Taster’ events.
Young Persons Discount available – if aged 21 or less (subject to min. age rules / distance).