
Action Challenge

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Organiser of Ultra Challenge®

For nearly 25 years we’ve organised inspirational challenge events & unforgettable adventures in the UK, Europe, and Worldwide – for individuals to join, and for private groups, companies, and charities. Take on a challenge just for yourself, or link it to fundraising for a special cause; so far our events have helped to raise well over £100 million for charities. Join us, find your challenge – push yourself further, and achieve something special!

For Individuals

Join an amazing group adventure - either for yourself or to support a charity.

For Charities

We work with over 500 charities to enable fundraising from our events. Join us!

For Corporates

We create high quality challenge events to suit your company's objectives & ambition.

For individuals


From a 25 km walk along the Thames Path to reaching Kilimanjaro’s summit, or cycling through Vietnam to Cambodia – we have a wide range of group challenges which you can sign up to. Do it for yourself – or support a charity of your choice. We’ve taken 000’s of individuals on  unforgettable adventures, where personal goals are often re-defined, new friendships are forged, and long lasting memories are made. 


30+ treks
across the

£100+ million
raised for


For corporate groups

Inspirational challenges

We’ve organised some amazing corporate challenges! Teams from Harrods, DHL, HSBC, Citibank and many more have climbed Kilimanjaro with us, and the likes of Tesco, British Gas, Fujitsu, and M&S have taken thousands of colleagues on large scale UK events, raising millions for their CSR partners, energising their workforce and boosting well-being. We have over 20 years experience working with organisations of all sizes, and our team will ensure that your challenge delivers for your team

For charities

challenges that work for you

Charities, both large and  small, benefit from the fundraising potential of our challenges. We have a range of solutions to attract new fundraisers – from unique bespoke events, to low risk ‘open’ challenges. We have Apps for participants & efficient admin to make it all easy for you – so why not join us and begin a new fundraising journey.

A Kilimanjaro climb is a trip of a lifetime – so make sure you go with the best! We’ve taken over 6,000 trekkers to the 5,895m summit, with 40 group trips each year that individuals, friends, and family can join, supported by our UK mountain leaders, expedition medics, with the best local teams & guides. We also run bespoke trips tailored for our corporate clients, charities, schools, and private groups. If you’re after a real adventure – few are better than a Kilimanjaro Challenge!

Check out our websites

See what else we do...

Find out more about what we do and see all of our international challenges.

We've taken over 6,000 trekkers to the summit - find out how you can do it!

Contact us

Phone: 0207 609 6695
Woolwich, London
MON-FRI 09:00 - 17:00

Work for us & join our team!


Thank you for your enquiry which is now being reviewed by a member of our Ultra Challenge Team, and they’ll get back to you as soon as they are able to.


The FAQ’s page on the Ultra Challenge website  covers many of the details relating to the events, and  if you have not seen it yet please do check it out, as quick answers to many enquiries are often available there.


Thank You,


The Ultra Challenge Team